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'AITA for not letting my son go on his senior trip if he skips brother's graduation?'

'AITA for not letting my son go on his senior trip if he skips brother's graduation?'


"AITA for telling my son he's not going on his senior class trip if he doesn't show up to his brothers graduation?"

My three kids all have graduations this week. One high school, one elementary and one preschool. My high school son Liam said he has zero interest in going to his younger brothers' graduation because it's 'lame.' I said his brothers are going to his and it's more work for them to go than for him to go to theirs.

Yesterday he said he's still not going. I said okay then you're not going on your senior trip to the Bahamas next week. He walked away without saying a word and went to his mom's. His mom then texted me about my being petty. I told her to mind her business. This has nothing to do with her. This is between our son and my other sons (half brothers to Liam).

I texted him information about the graduations and haven't heard back. If he doesn't show up then I'll cancel his little school trip. He can go to his mom and she'll lie about how she doesn't have the money.

Here's what people had to day, and OP's responses:

mutualbuttsqueezin writes:

YTA. That is a HUGE overreaction. And preschool/elementary 'graduations' are insufferable and completely unnecessary.


Ugh, THANK YOU- I just barely think people should tolerate middle school graduation. Ridiculous...

physicsty writes:

I totally disagree... Middle school graduations are insufferable too. 'Congratulations, you did something you legally had to do.'

PrestigiousLion390 OP responded:

Then he should just show up.

Shitsuri writes:

Damn another succinct YTA post where there is so much under the surface it may as well be an iceberg

PrestigiousLion390 OP responded:

Not really. He thinks because he turned 18 in April that he can do whatever the f&%k he wants.

Lifesaboxofgardens writes:

YTA, enjoy him immediately going no contact with you if this isn't already the beginning.

PrestigiousLion390 OP responded:

Please. How many teens successfully go NC?

Primary-Criticism929 says:

If he's smart, he'll wait until you've paid for his collège éducation and then tell you to f@$k off.

PrestigiousLion390 OP responded:

How many college grads are living at home?

Shitsuri writes:

He's 18, brother, it's easy

PrestigiousLion390 OP responded:

How? People in their 30s can't survive on their oen.

Phoenix612 says:

YTA. Elementary and preschool graduations are lame. Why not take everyone out for lunch and celebrate. Tell your younger kids that big- bro can’t attend due to a school function. They will survive.

PrestigiousLion390 OP responded:

So will my 18yo if he goes.

Sweaty-School1185 writes:

He very well can Decide if he wants to go to his siblings graduation or not.

PrestigiousLion390 OP responded:

And I decide whether he goes on his grad vacation or not.

Sources: Reddit
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