When this father is disappointed in his family dynamic, he asks Reddit:
My ex wife and I got divorced 10 years ago due to infidelity on her part. This caused the end of our marriage and our family together as well. We had shared custody of our now 23M and 19M kids. She's still "involved" in the boys life but I never had anything to do with her since the divorce.
This past week, my eldest son got into a car accident and had to undergo a surgery for his damaged leg. My wife and I waited to see him after the surgery and went into his room to check on him. He was in the process of waking up when we got inside and first thing I heard was him calling for his mom.
I instantly felt uncomfortable especially after he kept saying "mom...mom" I was upset because he was calling for the same person who basically broke up the family and put me and the boys through so much hurt and grief.
I felt devastated even more due to the fact that he didn't even acknowledge my presence. I decided to just walk out despite my wife asking me to come back.
I drove around in my car to get some air and then went home. My wife later called to tell me that what I did was beyond the pale and that I had no right to leave my son and walk out like that.
I explained why I did that and she said that his mom will always be his mom nomatter what happens and then said that I judged him and duidn't care about his situation. I tried to speak to him on the phone but he was so upset and refused to talk.
His brother also refused to speak to me. It's been days and my eldest keeps denying that I visit him in his apartmdnt to check on him and see how he's doing. AITA?
melzilla79 writes:
You said he just had surgery and was waking up? He was totally zonked from the anesthesia and had no idea what was going on. You're supposed to be a good example for them on how to be a man and this was not it. YTA and selfish.
escharaloks writes:
Dude, do you have no idea how anesthesia works? Your kids' brain was completely addled by heavy sedation, and you stomped out like a grumpy five year because he called for his mom. Once he had had a chance to properly wake up, he would have been very glad to see you. But that didn't happen because you left.
It is going to take you a very long time to dig your way out of this one, if your son even chooses to forgive you. You left him at his most vulnerable time and broke a huge trust bond. YTA.
complexmachine619 writes:
I think you have open wounds of your divorce that need tending if something like this throws you off balance so far. He was in the process of waking up. People say all kind of dumb stuff when being under the influence of anaesthetics.
I surely did. Who knows what part of his brain fired when he was waking up. Also, while your wife hurt you, it is just that: she did it to you. Your kids are neutral in this whole thing. YTA. You are still hurting. Seek someone to process it.