When this man feels like he may have embarrassed himself, he asks Reddit:
I (M) grew up in a pretty standard middle class family, studied hard, and got into my dream school to study computer science and cognitive science.
I managed to befriend a lot of super rich international students whose parents are all execs in tech/finance firms. I’m not entirely sure why since I can never afford to do the things they do, but they like me enough that they always pay for me to do those things with them.
Recently, I secured an internship at one of the aforementioned tech companies because I applied and then asked my friend, whose dad’s the CEO, to take me on. Another person I know that applied to the same position and got rejected confronted me, saying I was an AH and a nepotism hire.
I pointed out that a) I was only half a nepotism hire because I wasn’t born with these connections, I had to make them by working hard to get into the right college, befriending the right people, etc.
It was hard work to foster these connections, so it’s not on the same tier of somebody simply born with them b) I am qualified for the job. I have a 3.9 GPA, and I’ve worked on several projects that demonstrate my technical proficiency.
I used connections to be hired over people that were equally qualified as me, not to get a job that I’m unqualified for c) if he had the same opportunity, he would take it too. He called me an AH again and walked away. Am I? I feel like I made solid points? AITA?
rich398 writes:
NTA - Sounds like you are qualified and frankly, the fact that someone at the company knows you means they have had a chance to get to know you enough to be able to predict how you will do in the job.
References always help people to get hired. Stop defending yourself from your jealous acquaintance.
defendantwork6 writes:
NTA It sounds like you did well in school and developed some strong skills for the field you are in. Developing a large network is essential in todays business environment.
In many cases knowing the right people is what helps you get your foot in the door of any company. This is not a new concept at all. It is unfortunate this other person is blaming you for his not getting the position he wanted. You have done nothing wrong.
muffinspirited88 writes:
ESH - this isn't specifically nepotism, but it isn't the networking success you are portraying it to be - its your friends father. Honestly, you sound like a rich kid who went to private school and made the connections there. I think you would not be the AH if you directly networked with the CEO, but this is also why I believe that the hiring process should be blind.