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'AITA for kicking a pregnant lady out of my birthday party?'

'AITA for kicking a pregnant lady out of my birthday party?'


"AITA for kicking a pregnant lady out of my birthday party?"

I 27 M had my birthday party 2 weeks ago. My mother had planned a surprise party for me at my house since she has a spare key.She invited my 26 M cousin and his 26 F pregnant wife. I don’t have anything against my cousin but I do with his wife. For some backstory my cousin used to live with me when he was in college. In his third year of college he met his now wife.

It was all fine until in his last year of college his girlfriend moved in with us. For the fist weeks it was all right but then she started coming into my room and stealing my money which I confronted her about and she said that she hadn’t done it.

This kept on for two more weeks until I kicked them out and since then me and my cousin haven’t talked much other then in his wedding.

Now back to my birthday party me and my cousin were catching up with each other it was all going good until I said how has yours and your wife’s life been after the wedding he was going to respond until his wife said stop being nosy that’s none of your business and I said well sorry.

After that I walked away I was talking with my mom and saw my cousin leave to his car and come back in with a big balloon and his wife said listen up everybody I have an announcement to make we will be doing our gender reveal here and I said no you won’t she said you can’t stop me bring the balloon.

As my cousin is walking to her I grab the gender reveal balloon out of his hand run outside and let the balloon fly away without popping it.

After that I walked back in and kicked them out of my party and my cousin screamed at me because I ruined his gender reveal and his wife is crying and half of the guests leave and say I’m a bad person for what I did.I haven’t talked to them since and my family thinks I’m a bad person for what I did. So aita?

Let's see what internet users had to say.

silaquix writes:

NTA. I would be petty and do a group text with everyone that was there and say ' Look you cannot highjack someone else's party just because you're too cheap or broke to throw your own party. Especially since you never asked my permission or gave me a heads up.

That is incredibly tacky and rude. I'm appalled at how some of you are supporting this entitled behavior. How dare you try to make me the bad guy when I refused to let them make my birthday party about them. I'm not going to be a doormat and let people be rude and selfish towards me and then try to take over my events.'

gramsnows writes:

NTA people need to stop hijacking other people’s events to save money. At least ask the person before you announce crap at their occasion! How selfish and self center do you have to be to make someone else’s party about you?

mydogisweird writes:

NTA they can have their OWN gender reveal party. To hi -Jack someone else’s is so self centered, rude, entitled, tacky and pathetic. Especially without asking. Honestly loved the end - grabbing the balloon and letting it float away LOL. Screw them, go check to make sure your valuables are still where they should be.

Any advice for him?

Sources: Reddit
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