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Mom accuses teen impregnated by son of lying and using sonogram image from internet.

Mom accuses teen impregnated by son of lying and using sonogram image from internet.

No one wants to be accused of lying, even if it's not an outright accusation. However, where there's smoke, there's often fire, and ignoring your instincts in a situation with high emotional stakes can lead to some serious regret down the line.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a woman asked if she was wrong for making sure her son's pregnant partner was telling the truth. She wrote:

"AITA for 'insinuating' that this young lady was lying?"

I 50F have a son 23M who is expecting a child with a young lady 18F. The issue is, he does not know the young lady very well and doesn’t have much interest in speaking to her at the moment, so we have a paternity test scheduled pretty soon so we can know before the baby is born.

Although my son is not interested in speaking to her, I am sure he will make a great father as he will warm up to the reality as time goes by. I met this young lady only a few weeks ago, she is 3 months along. She has had no interest in getting prenatal care, so I’ve scheduled an appointment for her, I offered her a ride and she made an excuse as to why she couldn’t go.

I then called her yesterday and she said she was having pain, so I insisted she go to the hospital. She didn’t want to go, and said it was no longer bothering her and she didn’t want to go without my son however I was already on the way and when I came, she wouldn’t come outside so I left, upset.

Today, she sent me a video of a sonogram and I said to her “Congrats! Had you texted that you were going to a doctor or whatever you have going on someone would not have minded being there for you! It’s questionable how you are showing this today when we were only trying to help you yesterday to make sure that you and the baby were ok.”

She felt disrespected and took it that I was saying she was lying about being pregnant, however I don’t care how she takes it because I didn’t call her a liar, and I don’t know if she is. AITA for the way I approached her? I feel my message was quite polite, don’t see how I insinuated she was lying and feel she just took it the wrong way.

Edit- Everyone is saying do reverse image. I have but I can’t find it anywhere.

People kept it real in the comment section.

ParsimoniousSalad wrote:

NTA. I honestly would have doubts that what she sent was her sonogram. Just one day after refusing any prenatal care? Come on. You can't get an appointment that fast, but you can download something from the internet quickly. Doesn't mean she's not pregnant (though she's the one who brought up that possibility), it just means she doesn't want any pressure to see a doctor.

Toniadion1974 wrote:

She has had no interest in getting prenatal care, so I’ve scheduled an appointment for her, I offered her a ride and she made an excuse as to why she couldn’t go. Then how did she get an ultrasound done? Maybe she does not want to go with you. You sound slightly over bearing. NAH... just let her do her pregnancy without your judgements.

SuckFhatThit wrote:

It's going to come to a head one way or the other. All you are doing now is alienating the potential mother of your grandchild. She's not asking you for anything in regards to your post... she just isn't participating in the pregnancy on your terms.

If she is lying, in a few months there will be no baby. If she is not, you're risking the relationship with your grandchild for life. I hope this gets better for you, but humans tend to blow issues up that simply solve themselves.

Roderick567 wrote:

YTA. You are being overbearing and over-involved. There was no reason to send anything other than congratulations. The rest of your message was dripping with attitude and speculation. Don't kid yourself, OP. You know what you were doing, and she had every right to call you out for implying she was lying.

And you know what...she still very well may be lying. But you have no proof. On the chance she's not, why choose to start a relationship with this person who will be the mother of your grandchild this way. You are practically a stranger to her. Maybe she's just not comfortable with going to the doctor with you. You need to let her warm up to you in her own time.

cinderella3-drizella wrote:

YTA - your son got a girl pregnant and your give the girl crap about it? how about you worry about raising your son better because from what you wrote he has no interest in taking responsibility for what he did.

Clearly, the internet unanimously agrees that OP is out of line, and even if there's foul play - it'll come to light eventually.

Sources: Reddit
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