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Mom asks for advice about only one of her two kids being invited on playdates.

Mom asks for advice about only one of her two kids being invited on playdates.


AITH for letting one of my kids go on play dates when the other doesn’t get invited to any? I don’t really think I’m the AH here but I feel awful and would love to hear the group’s thoughts.

I have a son who is 9 and is invited on play dates by many different friends once or twice a week. I also have a son who is 6 and has only been invited on a play date once.

I think it’s largely because of age, but my 6-year-old is heartbroken every time my 9-year-old gets to go.

We do something special with him on those days (kids museum, art project, etc) - but it’s just not the same. There is one kid we’ve invited on play dates a couple times but it has only been reciprocated once.

Unfortunately, all of our friends and neighbors have kids who are 8-10 - we don’t have any with kids closer in age to my youngest - so we struggle to find friends for him to play with in that regard as well. What can I do to make the situation easier?


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