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'WIBTA if I told a lady on a plane to give in to her crying toddler’s demands?' UPDATED

'WIBTA if I told a lady on a plane to give in to her crying toddler’s demands?' UPDATED


"WIBTA if I told a lady on a plane to give in to her crying toddler’s demands?"

I’ve been sitting on a flight for about 30 minutes now waiting to take off, and the toddler behind me is screaming on the top of his lungs COOOOOOCOOOOOOOOMEEELLLOOOOOOON for at least 20 out of the 30 minutes. And I hear his mom say “no coco melon, you need to learn to live without it.”

I understand not wanting to give into your son’s demands and teach him that he will get what he wants if he screams loud enough, but this is an 8 hour flight, the wifi is literally 5 bucks and it will shut him up. I’d offer to pay if she doesn’t want to.

I thought... Do I say something or keep my mouth shut? I have noise cancelling AirPods but it’s still not shutting him out. I have to play music at the max volume to begin to not hear him. I swear this kid has a microphone in his voicebox

15 minutes later, and he’s still screaming. The visibly annoyed FA just offered them free Wi-Fi and she’s STILL not taking it. She is certain “he will get tired and the crying will stop”

It’s been an hour. Kid’s screaming has only gotten worse. He screamed “I HATEEEE YOUUUUU I WISH I HAD A BETTER MOMMY!” Me too kid. Me too.

Let's see what internet users had to say.

cautiousspke writes:

NTA. I personally wouldn’t say anything but I would love the person who did say something. I’m all for teaching your kid that they don’t always get what they want but in this case, just let the kid watch the show so the rest of the people on the plane can have a peaceful flight.I get kids being upset on planes but if you CAN do something to stop the crying, you should.

NTA this is literally the opposite of how you handle a toddler on a flight, when you’re stuck in a metal tube w/a bunch of strangers is NOT the time to “wean” your kid off the tablet and kick start your brand new “no more excess screen time” parenting resolutions lol

NTA. The mother picked an asinine time to take it away from him. The mother has zero consideration for others.

Planes are not the place to teach a child a lesson. They are a place to spoil them and keep them happy. Even if you just have to say “yea! Planes! That’s where we watch cocmelon!” NTA. I’m with everyone saying stream it on your phone and hold it up.

Update from OP:

Over 1.5 hours in, kid finally stopped crying. She FINALLY gave in, accepted the free Wi-Fi and he’s quietly watching cocomelon on her phone. And I didn’t have to say anything. Let’s just hope she doesn’t change her mind.

Sources: Reddit
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