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Pregnant woman's mom leaves her on hiking path when she says her baby name. AITA?

Pregnant woman's mom leaves her on hiking path when she says her baby name. AITA?


'AITA for refusing to get in the car with my mom?'


I'm (28F) 33 weeks pregnant, high-risk, and on modified bed-rest. I can still do moderate exercise and run errands but mostly I'm meant to be sitting with my feet up all day so I don't get sick again.

My doctor okay-ed me to continue doing my mile-walks so my mom and I went up to our local park that has a walking path. She drove her car.

We got about 1/8 mile from the car and I mentioned thinking of changing the name I'd picked for the baby. Its been a point of consternation between she and I. I had settled on a name but in the last couple weeks it began to feel like the wrong name. I've been trying out a few names. She's frustrated by my inability to pick one.

Anyway, I mentioned this wanting to change the name and she had a visceral reaction. She growled, threw her hands in the air, yelled a curse, and turned around and started storming off. I didn't realize what she was doing so I just stood there and watched. I thought she was going to turn and come back.

Instead she stormed to the car, got in, and drove away. Even if I had realize what she was doing I couldn't have caught up with her, I can only waddle these days.

I walked back to the parking lot thinking she was coming back and just messing with me but five minutes passed and she was still gone. My leggings don't have pockets so I didn't have my cellphone with me.

I went inside the community center and fortunately there were some ladies setting up for something and I asked if I could borrow a cellphone. I figured my mom wouldn't answer so I called my grandfather, who lives 10 minutes from the park. He said he'd be right there to get me.

About the time my granddad parked my mom pulled back into the lot. She asked me why I called my grandfather instead of her and I told her that she left me in a park, without a cellphone so I borrowed someone's and called the only number I had memorized that I knew would pick me up.

Mom told my granddad she was sorry we'd bothered him and that she'd take me home. I told her I wasn't getting in the car with her and she was crazy if she thought I was.

She asked why and I told her, 'you left your 8.5 month high-risk pregnant child in a park without a cellphone on an 85 degree F day, over something as stupid as naming a baby that isn't even due for another 7 weeks. She won't even know her own name for months, it literally doesn't even matter yet, but you let it become a whole drama.'

My granddad drove me home. He gave my mom a stern talking-to when we got there. Mom is now walking around acting like she's the victim because I embarrassed her. She said I should have just got in the car with her. She's only offered a half-assed apology but it was more of a, 'sorry you feel the way you do' apology and not a real one.

She says I'm overreacting. I'm writing this with the intent of showing her so I'll accept whatever judgement comes my way. If I overreacted I want to know it. For context, she didn't know I didn't have my phone. AITA?

Here were the highest rated comments from readers:


She left her 8.5 month high-risk pregnant child in a park without a cellphone on an 85 degree F day, over something as stupid as naming a baby that isn't even due for another 7 weeks. You said it all. NTA.


Exactly. Summed it up beautifully. I honestly thought this was gonna end up with her coming back after 2 minutes and you being all huffy and risking your baby rather than getting in the car. But nope. Plot twist. Your mum was completely irresponsible and you were right not to get into the car with her.


NTA. If you mom flips out this much before the baby is born think long and hard on if you want to deal with that and more when the baby’s coming and after its come and decide if you want that in your and your baby's life.


Your mama is acting like her opinion about what you name her baby is any of her business. Well, it’s not, and you can give your faux apology mother the cold shoulder until she shows some true remorse. Thank god for your grandpa.

And, OP, from now on, don’t go anywhere without your cell phone, not even into the bathroom. If you are high risk-even in the other room may be too far in an emergency. Better safe than sorry. NTA at all.

What would you tell the OP? How should she deal with her mother's reaction?

Sources: Reddit
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