Arguing with your mom as a teen is usually a one-way ticket to being grounded.
But there are few people that leave their teen years without a few blow-outs, particularly if they feel their mom is in the wrong.
He wrote:
AITA for refusing to clean my room after my parents dumped my brother's trash in it?
I have a decent room. I keep the trash out, but I'm not that organized. My brother is almost 20 years old and still lives at home. I am 15. My parents are nice and there's no golden child thing going on. So last week one of the outlets in my brother's room sparked and shut down the power to his entire room and his room had to run off a generator or something.
So on Friday, the electric guy came to fix his bedroom and my brother had a bunch of boxes and trash in his room. So my mom and my brother made the absolutely genius decision to dump all his trash into my room. When I came home I was pissed, because there were 3 boxes, 2 trash bags (one fell down and it was open) and trash spilled all over my room. I was really pissed.
I decided that I was just going to ignore all the trash in my room. Yesterday my mom came into my room and told me to 'clean my disgusting room' and I told her that SHE needs to clean my room because she is the one who made the mess in my room. She told me it's my responsibility to clean my own room because she gives me housing and food. I told her I didn't ask to be born.
Then she threatened to take away my computer and I told her that she can pay me $1000 for it because I paid for the whole thing. She told me I was being entitled. Now she's all mad and my room is still not clean. Am I being an entitled @$$hole?
Squinky75 wrote:
NTA. Why isn't your BROTHER cleaning up the crap in your room?
Maelandrew wrote:
NTA - dump it in her room.
vt2022cam wrote:
Dump the trash back in your brother’s room. Your room will be clean and the issue resolved. If they say it was sh#$%y, you say that you returned it.
Cracker_Bites wrote:
If his room is fixed now, I'd move it all back into his room or in your parent's room - or 50/50. Into wardrobes, under the bed, behind the door, or on top of the bed. Not your mess to clean up but you can return it to the sender. You're definitely NTA!
Trice316 wrote:
NTA but it's a battle you will not win. I would suggest taking all the crap to the trash or dump it back into your brother's room. I'm not so sure that there isn't preferential treatment going on. It sounds like it seeing as though it's your brother's crap but she wants you to clean it up instead of having your brother get his own stuff.
OP is definitely NTA here, but given his status as a teen living in his parents' house, it might be hard for him to really win this one.