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Dad takes baby out while wife is sleeping without texting, she wakes up, freaks out.

Dad takes baby out while wife is sleeping without texting, she wakes up, freaks out.


Communication is key when you're raising kids, because even the most benign choices can throw your partner for a loop if not discussed first.

However, it's unrealistic to check every single move with a partner, so there are going to be times the communication falls through the cracks and one parent is left in the dark.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a man asked if he was wrong for taking his toddler on a daddy-daughter date without telling his wife first.

He wrote:

AITA for taking my toddler on a daddy-daughter date without telling my wife?

My wife and I have been married for a little over two years and she recently gave birth to our daughter a little over a year ago. My wife is a stay-at-home mom. Every Friday, I take our daughter out on a daddy-daughter date around noon-ish. However, this past Friday I took her for our date earlier in the morning.

My wife has been exhausted caring for her and I wanted her to get some extra sleep. I took off from work and our daughter out for breakfast and to the toy shop. I didn’t text my wife which I realize now wasn’t a good idea but she’s a light sleeper and I didn’t want to wake her. I forgot I didn’t have my ringer on my phone on and I missed her first two calls.

Needless to say, she wasn’t happy with me. She said while she understood and appreciated the gesture, I should’ve at least texted her to let her know that we were gone. AITA?

Internet strangers did their due diligence and weighed in.

Puzzleheaded-Ad2322 wrote:

Seriously, phones ate not the only form of communication. Handwritten note in the crib, 'Morning, Babe! I've got baby, go back to bed. I love you.'

gcot802 wrote:

Gentle YTA.

Not really an AH, but you should have texted. I would have been extremely panicked to wake up with my child unexpectedly gone and being unable to reach my husband.

DontAskMeChit wrote:

I would say N A H but I can imagine the sheer terror your wife felt when she woke up and could not find the baby. That alone makes it YTA, you have to think about these things. You sound like a good parent, and mistakes happen, but this one was avoidable. Next time leave a note on the bed before you leave.

bookynerdworm wrote:

'@$$hole' seems like a harsh word but yes you were in the wrong so for the sake of voting YTA. Texting or leaving a note (which is silent) is mandatory between parents. What if something happened to you? Like I know that sounds extreme but there's a difference between 'I woke up and they were both gone' and 'he texted me he was taking her out' when it comes to an emergency.

curly_lox wrote:

NAH it was a mistake, but it wasn't an @$$hole move at all.

When it comes to intentions and overall behavior, OP is not an AH, but given the panic his wife likely experienced, most of the votes land on a gentle YTA. Hopefully, next time he remembers to write a note.

Sources: Reddit
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