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Wife posts on Reddit to complain about husband always posting on Reddit. Reddit weighs in.

Wife posts on Reddit to complain about husband always posting on Reddit. Reddit weighs in.


'AITA: for complaining about Husband’s Reddit sharing?'


I work from home and my husband has a job where he creates his own schedule to meet with clients. He loves Reddit. Always sending me “AITA” stories and venting his opinion on who’s right and wrong (won’t be surprised if he comes across this post 😂 👀).

Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with venting issues, getting other peoples' opinions, etc. and I’m sure this thread is a conversation starter for many.

My problem is this: I’m working from home and I go over to him to speak to him about something quickly and as I begin to open my mouth to speak he stops me, hands me his phone and then has me read an “AITA” post. I don’t want to dismiss him so I do.

Then he begins to go into detail on who he feels was right and who he feels was the AH. Meanwhile, I’m hoping I don’t forget what I came up to tell him to begin with… I could only get a few words in trying to show agreement to his argument but he keeps going.

I’m getting frustrated at this point. I interrupt his speech (on who’s right/wrong) and tell him I came up to speak to him and I feel like I’ve been railroaded. I explain how he just handed me the phone and had me read this story and then went on to explain his side. I didn’t even get a chance to tell him what I came up for, and at this point I’m worried I may forget altogether… 🥴

He tells me, he doesn’t have many friends and this is what he likes to do, and not to worry because he won’t share anything with me then. 😒 Then he continues to say he won’t share these AITA Reddit stories; problem solved.

I told him that’s not what I wanted, I’d like to come to an agreement so we could work together. I know he likes these stories, but I had something to tell him and couldn’t say anything because he brought this whole thing up. He then tells me to just tell him what it is I had to say and like he said, he won’t be sharing with me anymore.

So, I get frustrated and tell him I’m going to post this on Reddit to see “AITA?!” Because all I wanted to do was tell him something quickly while working from home and I started pretending to type on my hand. He said “do it! Oh and if you’re so busy working from home how is it you have time to come up here to begin with” I don’t like the all or nothing approach.

😑🙄😒 by the way I never even got a chance to say what I wanted to tell him… because at that point I was explaining I only thought I was going to take 5 minutes, then went back to my desk.

Here were the top rated comments from readers:


NTA. I'm sorry he doesn't have many friends but that doesn't mean he can take over the conversation. You came to see him. He didn't come to you to show you the story.

'and not to worry because he won’t share anything with me then. 😒 then he continues to say he won’t share these AITA Reddit stories, problem solved. Oh and if you’re so busy working from home how is it you have time to come up here to begin with”

These are so childish in my opinion. You were trying to set a boundary/come up with a solution, whatever you want to call it, and he threw a tantrum? I hope he does see this and he gets a new perspective. Best of luck, OP!


NTA. You get to show your husband an AITA for once. YOU'RE WORKING!!! He has to honor your working schedule, he has to shut up and let you talk. He's acting like the AH, not you.


I'm gonna give you a small AH. You really could've just interrupted him by telling him what you came up to say instead of interrupting him by telling him you WANTED to say something, but he just HAAAD to show you ANOTHER reddit post.


Exactly. Then OP forgot what they came to say anyway, so everyone lost with the snark.


I don’t think y’all are going to work this out on Reddit. Try putting the phone down and having dinner together.

So....is this what the movie 'Inception' was about or something. Why can't people just talk to one another?

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