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19 people share the absolute worst thing they ever said during a breakup.

19 people share the absolute worst thing they ever said during a breakup.


As every love song in the world would tell us, breakups aren't easy, but there are some things you can do to avoid making the process actively worse...

So, when a Reddit user asked, 'what is the worst thing YOU have said during a breakup?' people were ready to share the mid-heartbreak moments that still keep them up at night. And we all thought 'it's not you it's me' was bad...


She was breaking up with me, and I told her, 'You know you are right, and I agree, we aren't very compatible, and our relationship has been on the decline for sometime.'

Those were my true thoughts and feelings. I felt a sense of relief when she broke up with me because I realized it was the best move for the both of us.

So why was this the worst thing to say? It ended up making her want to double down on the relationship. I was bombarded with non-stop texts, phone calls, unnanounced visits to my apartment.

All of that. Apparently breaking up things amicably was not how she wanted to go. I think she was adamant she left with the upper hand. - slytherinprolly


Her, ' This isn't working out I think we should just be friends.'

Me, ' Lets just never talk again is probably best' - Schrodenger


Him: crying do you think we’ll ever get back together

Me: deadpan. I wouldn’t count on it - Adept_Mulberry_


“You had your twenties, I haven’t had mine” He was 14 years older than me and was an absolute blob of a person, being with him was holding me back from living. He wouldn’t do anything for or with me unless it was his interest.

Meeting him and dating him for 3.5 years is the biggest regret and disgust of my life. - hannikanskywalker33


The relationship was toxic and she was a gold digger. She said she needed about $10K a month to be able to continue dating me... I was very vulnerable at the time and she thought she could manipulate me. My response. 'Jen, you're just not that pretty.' Finished my scotch and walked out for good. - UtahCyan


She said we could still be friends, and I told her that we werent friends before we started dating, and it was unlikely that we would be after. - Singularity-_-


We stared at our dinner plates. The movie had ended. We weakly smiled at each other. We had put each other through a LOT in 18 months. Her family had put us through even more. 'This isn't really working is it?' I said. She simply said, 'no, it isn't.' I nodded. Thanked her for dinner, wished her luck, and left. - Clearly_Disabled


Messy relationship. He wanted to continue, I was done. I looked him in the eye and said “one day we’ll come back here [to our hometown] and be engaged… and it won’t be to each other.” Literally could see his heart break. - bluewombat28


I was a high school freshman and I opened my breakup speech with, “Do you think we have chemistry?” Hoping he’d say no and make it easier. He said yes. Such a stupid way to go about it, I know.

It didn’t teach me anything because a year later I opened another breakup speech with the same question, and he gave the same answer. I finally stopped asking that question. - Extra_Comfortable365


You are a 30 years old loser. Stop going to clubs to be the “dj” bc people actually make fun of you.' Ahhh, stupid younger me. Would never say something like that. I was very hurt bc he was with someone else 1 month after our +3 years relationship.

But we are good now, and I wish him all the very best in the world, he was a good guy, but we were simply not right for each other. I just wanted to damage his ego bc mine was damaged. - Flowerlamps


You need therapy if you actually want to be successful in relationships. You cant even commit to owning a cat. - HarnessMeDesignsOUB


'No one will ever love you like I do.' At the time, I was young and that's really how I felt. In retrospect, it was mean and manipulative. We're now both in happy marriages. - Formaldehyd3


“You’re turning into your mother and I hate her.' I’m sure there was a more diplomatic way to phrase that - shadowimage


Not a break up, but was seeing this girl off and on (because she wouldn't commit to actually dating). Got sick of the yo-yoing, fired up Facebook Dating and met my now girlfriend for drinks two days later.

When the non-committal girl came back and I told her I was off the market I said 'I'm just looking for someone who knows what commitment is'. Must have hit a nerve because about six weeks later she was pregnant. - BeefInGR


“Please don’t leave, no one else will ever love me.” said by me sobbing in the open doorway of the new apartment of my wife of barely one year. My self esteem was totally shattered. My life was over, there just was nothing left. She was kind but firm.

She knew the relationship wasn’t a good fit before I accepted that. We were very young, friends but not life partners. I didn’t fully understand until I was a few years into my second marriage. We both went on to have successful, happy lifelong second marriages. - DadsRGR8


Two months after our breakup, she asked me if I missed her. I told her I missed her parents more than I missed her - lxkandel06


I really enjoyed not seeing you these last few days; let's do that more. - Bornemann27


He broke up with me over text message, while I was getting tattooed. “LOL. Ok, bye.” Was my response. He kept thinking I was going to cheat on him with his best friend, who I despised. I was happy that one ended. - teethmissing


Her: 'is it someone else?'

Me: 'no, it's just you.' - stingyboy

Sources: Reddit
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