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'My GF and her friends pulled a cruel prank on me and I don't know how to react.' UPDATED

'My GF and her friends pulled a cruel prank on me and I don't know how to react.' UPDATED


"Girlfriend & friends pulled a prank at my house that I'm really not happy with, how do I react?"

We are both mid 20s, I live in a townhouse. My girlfriend and I have a mutual friend who is going to be out of town for work for quite a while, and she had been begging to go to breakfast with them the entire week. I was opposed because they wanted to go at 6:30am, and I typically work late into the night. I offered four different days we could get dinner, and the mutual friend declined.

After continued begging, I gave into my gf because it seemed that it meant a lot to her to see our mutual friend and his significant other at breakfast. I wake up at 6:15am to knocking on my front door, and open it to see an 8 foot tall tower of red solo cups filled with oatmeal completely blocking the door.

I grunt, and immediately close the front door. Keep in mind this is the only way in and out of my house. I looked to my security camera to see them taking snaps and laughing outside. The three of them text me asking me to come out and go to breakfast, but they make no attempt to clear the door - I expect they're just waiting for me to blow through it and make a huge mess.

I turn the lights out and go back to bed so they leave. When I wake up, the tower is still there. It takes me about 20 minutes and 4 whole garbage bags to clean up what must have been over 20 pounds of oatmeal, not to mention the mess it made on my front porch and on the carpet in my entry way.

I had planned on taking the girlfriend to an NHL game tomorrow, which would have costed me at least $100 in tickets, parking, food, etc. Now I have no desire to see or talk to her. I'm absolutely livid, because it brings me back to High School where my car and house used to be vandalized in similar ways (saran wrap, vaseline, toilet paper, etc).

I feel like it was meant as an innocent prank, but my natural urge is to go full scorched earth and just be nasty to her, which I know is not a healthy way to deal with this situation. I just want to know if I'm in the right and how I should maturely handle this situation without escalating it, while still expressing how disappointed I am in her.

tl;dr girlfriend and friends trick me into thinking we're going to get breakfast, completely block my front door with a tower of red solo cups filled with oatmeal, laugh about it and leave me to clean up the mess.

Commenters weighed in to offer insight and advice:


It was rude of them to leave you to clean up their mess by yourself.


Yeah, it would've been a "prank" if they helped clean up the mess they created. It's not at all funny when they then leave you and presumably go out to eat. That wouldn't sit well with me.

OP responded:

They all went out to breakfast together after.


I don't get why she didn't come in and check on you. It was all planned for you to go out for breakfast. And when you went back to bed, she just bailed. Some girlfriend.


Pranks are one of the leading indicator that people are @$$holes. A prank is a test of how much sh!t you'll take, and failing the test means you're a thin-skinned loser. I hate it.


This is so petty, I’d be furious as well, because they straight up disrespected you. You should invite someone else to the game and let her sit this one out.

And said:

Not clearing it up is where the issue is. They actually left you to clean up their mess. I would be pissed just as you are. It's one of those situations were if you do not mention it it'll continue to bother you, and you'll continue to be off-hand with her until something gives. You should probably discuss it now.

Two days later, he shared this update:

She replied after she got home from work yesterday. I told her I didn't want to see her and she could text me whatever apology she had to say, but she came over anyways. She said the prank wasn't her idea, but agreed to let them use her house to prep for it.

She claims to have questioned going through with it, but my friend (who has known me significantly longer than her) insisted I would think it was funny, so she deferred to him. I told her I expect better from her and that I expect her to stand up for herself. She went on to say she would never have pulled the prank or allowed it to happen if she knew my history with things.

She didn't identify the major issues with the scenario on her own: having me wake up early for a breakfast I didn't want to go to for her just to be pranked, having to clean it up by myself while they went to breakfast, and her not checking up on me at any point.

I told her one mistake was understandable, I told her more than one mistake is understandable, but I pointed out along every step of the "prank" that there were easy things she could have done to make it right but didn't.

I asked her how she could make such an obvious series of mistakes one after the other with someone she claims to love. Apparently she asked some of her girl friends for advice on what to do (friends unrelated to the story) and they told her to give me space.

She was very insistent that she was sorry and wasn't perfect but would always learn from her mistakes. I'm still mad at her, but we're back to being on good terms. If this wasn't the only thing she's ever done wrong in the relationship, I'd have been a lot more harsh and maybe broken up with her, but frankly I think that'd be a waste in this case.

If she makes other blatantly thoughtless mistakes like this in the future then she'll probably be out of luck. Her reasoning and the way things played out are not okay but.. understandable.

On the other side of things, the mutual friend texted me the link to this post late last night, claiming to have found it while casually scrolling online. He identified that if he knew the history he wouldn't have done it, but not any of the other issues I listed above (which all of you commenting identified for him....).

I replied briefly and stopped responding because I wasn't really impressed with his non-apology. I've known the guy for years and I don't know what part of him thought that I'd find a huge mess amusing.

Sources: Reddit,Update
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