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Woman asks if she was wrong to leave fiancé and his terminally ill friend stranded.

Woman asks if she was wrong to leave fiancé and his terminally ill friend stranded.


'AITA for letting him and his guy friend be stranded in another city and refusing to pay for their plane tickets to get home?'

\My fiance (33/M) has a guy best friend that he's known for 16 years!. He's cancer and is terminal. My fiance wanted to take him on a vacation for a couple of days and begged me to basically fund it. I refused although I felt incredibly guilty after he made me feel bad about it for days!

Eventually, he was able to borrow money to go on the vacation. They went and spent 2 days at a sports city. When it was time to return, he called me asking me to pay for their plane tickets to get home. I was taken aback I asked why I should pay and he said because they ran out of money and didn't put any aside to get home.

I refused and told him it wasn't my problem he didn't save money for the return flight. He started arguing with me saying I can't let them be stranded in another city when I have the means to help, especially after I refused to help fund the vacation.

I said no and that he needed to deal with it on his own. He didn't stop texting me trying to get me to pay. He and his friend had to eventually return by road and it took them 8+ hrs.

He came home and blew up saying I let them be stranded in another city and refused to help although I had money to pay for their plane tickets. He said that by 'forcing' them to travel by road, I had caused his friend unnecessary exhaustion and turmoil. He called me every name under the sun and said I had no empathy for his friend and that I'd tainted the memories of this vacation.

AITA? He's still mad at me and says he's in shock by the way I behaved in this situation and lack of empathy I'd displayed.

I need to mention something as a number of people have been asking about it. My fiance is unemployed that's why he could not afford the vacation although it wasn't expensive. I'm the one working. Money is tight and yes, paying for the ticket would have strapped me financially since I'm paying for everything.


Ranos131 asks:

Why didn’t he book round trip tickets? They are cheaper than two one way tickets.

Thorns_Roses3243 OP says:

I don't know why. He doesn't take my input into consideration especially when he's so determined on getting something done. If he wants it done it's done, his stubbornness had gotten us into a fair amount of trouble I tell you that much! I always tell him 'something oughtta be changed here' but he'd turn it back on me and say that I'm the problem.

MrDarcysDead says:

You can't seriously still be planning to marry this guy.

TruthfulBoy says:

Ikr like for f**k sakes how does this con artist seem like marriage material 😭

Beth21286 says:

OP seems to be very aware of his faults from the comments so they must be head over heels to not see how much better they deserve.

cbreezy456 says:

Or lack of self-respect/ afraid of being alone.

Murokin says'

Girl, LEAVE! He's trying to manipulate you and gaslight you into submitting to his every desire.

Glass_Machine_9886 says:

NTA. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life being at minimum emotionally abused by this man?

Sources: Reddit
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