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Man tells GF's 'filthy, freeloading' sister and 'bratty' son to clean up or get out. AITA?

Man tells GF's 'filthy, freeloading' sister and 'bratty' son to clean up or get out. AITA?

"AITA? Told my roommate I’m done cleaning anything around the house other than dishes and my own mess."


My girlfriend and her sister live with me, and her sister has a two year old kid. Without getting into much I’ll just say this. I work 65 hours a week, come home to a trashed house and have just gotten over an ant problem due to her child eating on my couch, getting crumbs into it, and her mom not cleaning it up at all.

I’ve gone 9 months just letting it slide because I know her life is hard being a single mom. But, the other day, I came home from work and she asked me to help clean because she was having some friends over and I told her no.

I told her that her child is not mine, and that it’s not my responsibility to come home and clean up after her kid and that it was hers. She told me that “it’s not fair” and that “her life is so hard and she can’t keep up with it all” and pretty much started crying.

I get life is hard, but I pay all the bills here and I tried explaining that to her as well. Also, that being said, I don’t think it’s fair that I get to come home and clean up a mess that I never created from a child that I also, didn’t create.

What makes me feel like the a**hole is the fact that while she was crying I told her that my point still stood and that if she couldn’t clean up her act, she could find a new place to live within the next 4 months.

I just personally don’t see how her kid's mess is my problem, nor my responsibility to handle especially since she doesn’t have to worry about a place to live, or even the food she ahd her kid eat.

I even pay for her kids diapers because f*ck those are expensive and I’m the only one who can afford them. I do all these things and I’m still expected to do more? More responsibility that I don't want and didn’t ask for? AITA?

Here were the top rated comments from readers:


NTA. Adults must clean up after themselves and the children they produce. It's that simple.


And she lives there for free. I have a baby and I can keep my home clean. And I have ADHD to boot. It's not impossible, she just took OP for granted. NTA.


NTA. Maybe total her share of the bills per month to make clear how much you're paying for her and ask if she thinks it's reasonable for you to expect a clean house. Otherwise, yes she can leave.


NTA. I assume she doesn't pay rent or utilities. If anything, she should be cleaning after you to show gratitude. You are more than generous, I wouldn't let people stay like that at my place for that long, and if they had the audacity to ask me to clean, they would be kicked out on the spot.

The OP responded here:


Man, so many comments in such little time. A few here say I should have her pay rent, in which I’m thinking of doing but that also means her staying here longer.

All in all tho, I’m just happy I wasn’t the a**hole. I was starting to gaslight myself into thinking I was in the wrong here. Her kids an absolute delight and I don’t wanna see her go, I just wanna stop tripping over toys while I go get water at 3am or sitting on my couch and finding 3 weeks of cookies saved up in the crevices. Sh*ts waxk.


Like, I probably wouldn't charge rent. But I'd absolutely expect the person to clean the mess. I don't care, no mess. They'd be out on the very instant I found rotten food or trip over a toy at 3am, or they have the audacity to ask me clean. Like, the very instant, not in 4m. You aren't just not the a**hole, you are overly generous.

So, do you think the OP is out of line here and needs to be more understanding of his girlfriend's sister's situation or is he legitmately being taken advantage of?

Sources: Reddit
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