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'AITA for taking the largest pizza slice because I paid?'

'AITA for taking the largest pizza slice because I paid?'

"AITA for taking the largest slice of pizza because I paid for it?"

I know this might be a bit more tame or silly than most posts here, but I just wanted to know what everyone else thinks. Me and my two roommates had pizza for dinner last night, my treat. I was the first one to grab my slices, 2 of them, and grabbed the biggest slices since it looked like they sliced it a bit weird.

Now, I (25F), can eat the 2 slices just fine, and with the cheese bread we got with it, it's a nice-sized meal for me. My roommates B (26F) and H (28M) came to the kitchen shortly after to grab their pieces and to thank me for buying dinner. H saw the two slices I had before he opened the box and said "Wow, did you get the XL pizza?"

When he opened the box he got a disappointed look and his shoulders drooped. When I asked what's wrong, he started saying in a depressed tone "these pieces are all smaller, I'm the biggest person here so I should have gotten the biggest pieces honestly..."

I said "No, I bought the pizza so I get to pick my slices first, and I wanted these ones." To which he replied that I was throwing the fact that I bought it in everyone's faces and that was a s#$%ty thing to do. He then said, "since you got more pizza I should get more cheese bread to make it even."

I then replied that no, we each get equal amount of pieces of the bread. B was quiet through it all like she didn't care and just grabbed her food and sat in the living room. Was I being s#$%^y?

The internet had OP's back, all the way.

He_Who_Is_Person wrote:

NTA. It's pretty damn rude of this person to complain about the food you bought them.

Cool_Department_1027 wrote:

NTA. "Sorry, I paid for the pizza, you are free to order your own pizza, you ungrateful A.." Also, he is being sexist, he is male so he deserves the larger piece. Haha.

VeronicaSawyer8 wrote:

NTA. This is why the phrase "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" exists. We could change it to "don't complain about your gifted pizza to the person who gifted it to you." I don't get the A H comments here. You offered to buy pizza. Cool. If roommates don't like it, they can eat something else.

"I'm the biggest person here so I should have gotten the biggest pieces honestly..." is just ridiculous.

ed_lv wrote:

NTA. You paid for pizza, and you took first 2 slices. I assume that there were 6 slices left, and even if they were smaller, they everyone would still have enough.

cockmanderkeen wrote:

ESH but not very much. I wouldn't complain about free food, but I also wouldn't share dinner with people and distribute unevenly. If I did I wouldn't say "hey I got us pizza", i'd say "hey I got a pizza there's some left if you want it."

Wise-Hat-5067 wrote:

ESH. I’m obviously in the minority but you said dinner was your treat. If you’re ‘treating’ someone to dinner, then common courtesy would be to split it evenly, or by needs. And I’m not saying that he automatically needs more because he’s a male, but you purposefully took the two biggest pieces, leaving them what is probably not enough for their dinner, so you weren’t really treating them to dinner.

You were just giving them your leftovers. I’m grateful when someone offers to shout me, but most times I’d actually just rather pay for myself and get what I want/need. It’s awkward if someone offers to treat you but then doesn’t actually get you enough because you’re not allowed to say anything, or get stuff yourself, because then you seem ungrateful…

While the internet can't fully agree, it looks like people are leaning more toward OP being NTA. Regardless of the ruling, it sounds like they have some roommate tensions to resolve.

Sources: Reddit
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