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Parent doesn't make son apologize after he calls uncle 'stupid,' grandma gets furious.

Parent doesn't make son apologize after he calls uncle 'stupid,' grandma gets furious.


There's no reasoning with someone deep down the rabbithole of superstition and conspiracies.

Most of the time, the best thing you can do is just smile and nod and let their ramblings pass until you can get to a safe space far away from their uninformed opinions. But unfortunately, it they're a family member, it's not always that simple.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, the OP asked if they were wrong for not making their son apologize to their brother.

They wrote:

AITA for not making my son apologize to my brother?

My brother came over for dinner the other day. He was telling my son that black cats bring terrible luck and that my son should kick our black cat out. My 10-year-old son told him ‘That’s a really silly superstition.’ My brother didn’t listen and went on about how black cats are evil and stuff. I just sat there watching him ramble and letting him embarrass himself for a couple of minutes.

Had a lot of practice letting him embarrass himself in front of others. Eventually, my son said ‘Why do I have such a stupid uncle?” I laughed. I confess I laughed out loud before telling my brother it’s time for him to leave. Later on, our mom called me and said I should have made my son apologize.

I told her that my brother has the right to say what he wants but my son also has the right to say what he thinks, especially after my brother tried to turn him against our family cat. My mom hung up the phone in a huff. Do you think I should have made my son call and apologize to my brother, just to appease my mom?

EDIT: In case anyone worried, I will not be allowing my brother into my house ever again. Not a big loss since he’s married to a woman in another country and only comes back to our country twice a year, so we never saw each other often anyways.

And he is a fully functioning adult, just to be clear.

People had a lot to say about this one.

heavymetalprincess42 wrote:

NTA. If he doesn’t want to be the stupid uncle, he shouldn’t say stupid things.

Careless_League_9494 wrote:

Bahaha! 🤣 NTA and honestly your kid sounds awesome, and it definitely sounds like you're raising him to be an intelligent, confident, human being, with excellent critical thinking skills. 👏👏👏

miaumisina wrote:

NTA. Your brother believes that stupid superstition about black cats and tells your 10-year-old the cat should be kicked out. The household pet.

He is in the right for thinking your bro is kinda dumb.

Visual_Balance8617 wrote:

NTA. Ignorance is clearly apparent since he wasn’t joking. Sorry you are related but don’t worry every family has one person they want to hide in a closet. They also have one very brilliant person too. Obviously, your son is smart and confident enough to speak up about things that are wrong. Good job parenting!

OP is definitely NTA, but their brother is a bit lost, clearly.

Sources: Reddit
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