It's not uncommon to get along with one sibling a little bit more. Who you get as siblings is always a lottery of different personalities, so if you even vibe with one, that's lucky.
But there's a big difference between subtly feeling closer to one sibling, and straight up telling people you love one more than other other(s). Regardless of how hostile you might feel towards your least favorite sibling, there's really no need to push that in their face. Still, that doesn't stop people.
She wrote:
AITA for telling my stepsister that I don't love her as much?
I (F23) have a 10-year-old half-sister Bella and a 13 year-old stepsister Maia. Maia and I don't have a sisterly relationship and I never really liked her. Even when she was a toddler she was the kind of kid who would cry and yell until she got what she wanted. Basically, she is the reason I want to be childfree. Bella on the other hand is the sweetest kid.
So a few days ago my mom asked me to bring Maia home from her guitar class. I was busy with work and I forgot so I was about half an hour late. Yesterday my mom asked me to bring Bella home from her painting class. I was on time and brought her home safely. When my parents came home I decided to do a prank and told Bella to hide so I can tell them I forgot to bring her home.
When I told them so my stepdad was horrified and ran toward the door to go get her while my mom stood there calmly and told him to relax because there is no way I could forget Bella and that she knew I was lying. Bella was very disappointed and asked me how she found out it was a prank. I told her the truth and said that mom knows how much I love her and there is no way I would ever forget her.
Maia who was listening to our conversation (I had no idea that she was listening) called me a b@#$h. I told her thanks for reminding me why I don't love you as much and she ran to our parents to tell them what I said and now they think I'm an @$$hole.
a_classic_crime wrote:
YTA. You might be a young adult but you’re still an adult and you should know better than to speak to a child like that. And kids who yell and whine until they get what they want are taught that because their parents teach them that it works. Don’t blame a kid for reacting like their conditioning has taught them.
Blended families can be tricky. So can teenage girls (you were one once, does everything you did as a teenager seem rational to you now?). You told a probably insecure, hormonal, and already upset teenage girl (who likely looks up to you) that you love her less than the sister that you share a common blood with. You just created years of therapy for that kid. You are a giant @$$hole.
st4rla13 wrote:
YTA - they’re KIDS…both of them. Even though 13-year-old are notoriously…well…13. They’re still kids.Their brains aren’t developed and what you said to Maia probably really affected her. It was cruel. You’re an adult and should know better. No wonder you don’t have a sisterly relationship - have you even bothered trying to get to know your stepsister? Or do you just treat her like she’s less than all the time?
facinationstreet wrote:
You are TA. A huge one. The damage you are purposely doing to that girl's self-esteem, sense of self-worthy, ability to trust others, and her ability to know that her family will always be her safe place IS NOT FIXABLE. Let that sink in. The damage you have done cannot be undone. You are a horrible excuse for a 'sister' to both of them.
Ok_Cauliflower2422 wrote:
Yes. 100%. How, at your big age of 23, are you saying that to a 13-year-old without feeling any remorse?
SpecialistAfter511 wrote:
YTA you’re just mean for no reason. It wasn’t necessary. She’s 13 and you’re 23. Grow up! If I was your mom I’d be so disappointed in you. Some toddlers scream more than others and have trouble regulating emotions. You don’t hold it against them. You on the other hand are 23 and I’d hold this against you.
Clearly, OP is a giant AH with no empathy for her stepsister. Hopefully she's able to self-reflect and correct this behavior.