So, when a Reddit user asked Americans of the internet, 'what is something the rest of the world needs to hear?' people from the United States were ready to share the things they think people from the rest of the world should know.
That a lot of us (most of us, in a lot of cases) do not support everything our government has ever done. I did not get a vote on the Iraq War. Please stop acting as if every single one of us is to blame for it. - mrmonster459
I don't want to be car dependent. I have to be. If I could bike everywhere in a REASONABLE amount of time, I probably would. But biking to my work takes an hour because our cities sprawl so much and our bike paths are not good and car traffic usually is higher on priority lists than bikes so our bike lanes are usually non existant or minimal. And I live in one of the best cities/areas to bike in, according to some lists online. - Kalron
We eat other things besides McDonalds and fast food. - Uselessmo
America is HUGE. I’ve heard of people visiting the US and thinking they could see the Golden Gate Bridge in a day when staying in Ohio. That’s a 2 day drive. - Barbanks
Our national parks are breathtaking - Playful_Fold4385
It's not that we don't want to visit other countries - it's that for the majority of Americans, Canada and Mexico are a day or two drive away, and paying over $1,000 to get a round-trip ticket overseas isn't something a lot of people can justify buying. - RHess19
We hate our politicians as much as non-Americans do. We do indeed have a few good ones trying to do the right thing but they are heavily outnumbered by both people/votes and money. - Blackops606
We are not our government. - the_tater_salad
(And this goes for some people IN America as well). 'Florida Man' is only a thing because the State of Florida has really weird rules about how crimes are reported/put into the public record, so stories out of Florida just make better tabloid headlines and click bait if you're an editor scrolling through the AP feed looking for wacky stories. - JoeMorgue
Americanized versions of food are still good and we still enjoy them. You don't have to tell us 'this isn't authentic [country] food.' We know it isn't. Just because it's not exactly like the origin country's version doesn't make it bad - punkhobo
We aren't all just like you see on TV - Exciting_Ad_3510
This country is big. People in this country get culture shock from moving within the same state and through different regions. This is,personally, why I find most generalizations of Americans funny. Also stop asking people who say they’re from nyc how many times they go to California. And vice versa. It’s far and expensive lol everytime I’m in Europe someone asks me this question - SoloBurger13
You can ski and surf on the same day in California - Optimus0ne
Solo cups come in a variety of colors - dlover28
Water should always be free at restaurants - HenzoH
We aren't a hive mind. Massachusetts is very different than Montana or Nebraska. It's not entirely unlike the differences between countries in the EU. People have different backgrounds, speak different languages, and often live under very different laws from one region to the next. The notion of 'Americans are X' gets exhausting. - End3rWi99in
We HATE the size of that gap space in our bathroom door stalls too . - ReadyFredyy
American cuisine is incredible and diverse. I don’t mean McDonalds or bacon wrapped fryer food. You have some of the best seafood in the northeast and pacific coast. Cajun and southern cooking in the south east, tex-mex of the south west, bbq everywhere and everyone has their meat and potato favorites. - Hot_Salad9000
Making small talk with strangers or saying hello in passing isn’t weird, it is friendly. - Scrandy_Dandy
Animals in Yellowstone will kill you. - iatetokyo2