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Wedding guest notices 'wealthier' tables received top shelf liquor and higher quality food.

Wedding guest notices 'wealthier' tables received top shelf liquor and higher quality food.

"Wealthier guests were served better alcohol and food than the rest..."

I’ll start this off by saying the groom’s family is an extremely wealthy family who paid for the wedding, “no expenses spared." Groom is stubborn and refused parents' involvement, only accepted their money.

We arrive at the wedding about 2 hours away from hometown (had to book hotel). The ceremony is fine. After, there is a cocktail hour in the blazing sun, with one open bar and one bartender for about 150 guests. Not a single hors d’oeuvre is being passed around.

We then enter a large plastic tent where the dinner is to take place in the dead heat at around 3 pm when the sun is still blazing hot. With only one door for ventilation.

Our table is at the back (this is fine, we’re not close to the groom or bride, just family friends). The meal took 3 hours to be served in it’s totality. It was supposed to be a 7 course meal, but one of the dishes was missed. It was buffet style at the tables, so when we got the ‘main,’ it was steak. 4 slices of steak for 8 people.

2 Wine bottles were left at each table and there was no bar during dinner, which was fine. However, we slowly started to realize that the “very wealthy” guests at the wedding had been giving a lot more and high end wine bottles, scotch, tequila. And a plethora more food.

At the end of the night there was no dessert, just a table of Oreo boxes and cut up apple slices. Groom's mother left in tears because of how ashamed she was of how the majority of the guests have been treated.

Here's what top "Wedding Shamers" had to say about this one:

Embarrassed_Hat_2904 said:

Apple slices and Oreos? Was this a wedding reception or after game snacks?

Warm-Finish7738 said:

Been there, done that. My husband’s relative had a “princess” wedding at a beautiful riverside B&B, arriving in a horse and carriage. After the ceremony, we were escorted to the rear of the property for the reception - one very large beautiful white tent and an oversized pop-up tent- guess which one we were seated in.

A round folding table with a pitcher of iced tea, squeeze cheese and Ritz crackers provided and promptly removed by staff when the main tent consumed their hors d’oeuvres. After an hour, we questioned staff about dinner and drinks only to be told it was over - retrieved our gift and left. Fast forward almost 30 years and she is still arrogant, entitled and insufferable.

nanasnuggets said:

We were at my husband's assistant's wedding. Lots of doctors and attorneys. There was a 'doctor' table kitty corner from us. They all got prime rib. We, at the attorney's table got chicken. Husband is allergic to chicken. Enough said.

Complex_Construction said:

Jesus! I’ve been to casual weekend game nights with better food options than this.

mmbenney said:

Sounds like plenty of expenses were spared. Just not for the wealthy.

Stallynixa said:

Were you at the kids table!?!?! Apple slices? Wow.

AdeptnessElegant1760 said:

That's disgraceful.

TourAlternative364 said:

Idk. First of all the worst part seems the tent in hot weather and no appetizers. You can't "hide" that. All the guests experienced that including the "special ones."Maybe the weddings I have been not as fancy, but usually apps, salad, main course & dessert.

You said you had 6 courses so that would be hors d'oeuver, soup, fish course, salad, main and dessert. That seems like plenty of food to me! Not sure why the father would be oblivious that it was overheated tent and 3 hours of no food?

And the logistics of a 6 or 7 course meal of constantly taking plates & putting down new plates in an outdoor tent where the staff had to transport all of that from the kitchen just seems so incongruous to me?! Like a zillion plates & bowls but no food on them?!

Sources: Reddit
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