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15 people spill the company secrets they can share now that they no longer work there.

15 people spill the company secrets they can share now that they no longer work there.


Every workplace has its secrets.

Generally, the juicier and more indicting the secrets are, the more likely you are to have major restrictions on what you can share.

However, once you've left said workplace? The gloves are off.

In a popular Reddit thread, people spilled the company secrets they can now share from former employers, and it's a must-read.

1. From 6billionyearsold:

Olive Garden breadsticks are just Franz brand breadsticks, garlic salt, and margarine.

2. From bluehairgoddess12th:

All new clothing and everything you try on is dirty. I’ve worked in retail for years and it still shocks people but there’s no washing machine or disinfectant spray or wipes. Nothing.

I’ve opened boxes of new clothes that had white bugs coming out of it. Seen a woman after a workout class come and try clothes on then just leave still sweaty from the class. One older lady left dime size skin flakes in the clothes she tried on.

Not to mention whatever happens when they return the item or what happened in the factory. People are gross, nothing is clean, Always wash your clothes when you get them home.

3. From inkseep1:

I used to work surveillance at a casino. From something like 3 stories high ceiling, we could zoom in on money on the table games and read the serial numbers of the bills. We could see the pips on the dice. Policy was to not look down blouses.

4. From Lunar_Gato:

Maple sap can be trucked in from other states and where it’s turned from sap to syrup decides on the state it comes from, not the location of the trees.

5. From Ginker78:

Worked at Best Buy 20 years ago. Employee discount was 5% over cost and I needed a new printer. Decided to splurge on the gold plated USB printer cable that we sold for $40. Rang up $1.78.

6. From Pariahdog119:

The vehicle modification shop at Chillicothe Correctional Institution in Chillicothe, Ohio dumps waste coolant from the machine shop into a storm drain that empties directly into the Scioto River.

This is because the chemical disposal tank is a 55-gallon drum in the paint shop, and that's much too small. They can't throw me into solitary confinement for complaining anymore.

This happens about once a year, when the machine's coolant reservoirs are emptied and the coolant replaced. It's not on a schedule, it's one of those things that you do when work is slow.

Each machine holds 15-20 gallons, and usually you just add more as it evaporates, but eventually it gets nasty and needs replaced. It's supposed to go in a waste tote to be disposed of safely, which is what every non - government machine shop does.

Being able to prove this is being done would require knowing when they're going to do this, and that's a decision that's often made spur of the moment. Hey, work is slow, let's have a clean-up day. There aren't any phones in the machine shop, either.

7. From EarhornJones:

The stain protector is only useful if you actually file a claim. It isn't a magic f*cking potion. Most furniture companies sell some sort of stain protector as an add-on.

People buy it, thinking it has some magic ability to prevent stains over the life of a piece of upholstery, then, five years later, spill some Kool-Aid on that sh*t, and the stain doesn't come out.

With most of these protectors, there's a warranty claim process that will get you a new sofa (or a new set, if your sofa pattern isn't made anymore), but nobody ever files a claim. That's the gimmick.

The company is counting on you not actually holding them to the deal that they made you, and virtually nobody does.

8. From MetropolisPt31:

We sometimes made up letters to the editor.

9. From Itstotallysafe:

Your warranty service part that took eight months actually arrived three weeks after they paid the invoice. They didn't even order it for seven months.

They told you it was manufacturing delays and supply chain issues but in reality, they couldn't afford to pay their bills and had to pick and choose which orders to place. You weren't a priority.

They were just really bad at budgeting and damage control.

10. From Sullyville:

I used to work at a graphic design firm. All our Adobe software was pirated.

11. From Technicolor_Reindeer:

When I worked at a Godiva store we would turn expired chocolate bars into sample pieces.

12. From atari26k:

I worked at a major cable/ISP and there 4 billing cycles. They upgraded the billing system, but did something wrong, and all but the current cycle got a late charge.

But instead of fixing it immediately, we were told to credit their account if the customer called in.

I did the math, and for the size of our city, and the 3/4 of people wrongly charged, it was over a million USD. Most people just pay their bill and don't look too close.

13. From Following_the_Sun:

Inbound call center. The “We are currently experiencing an unusually high call volume” message is permanent. They just didn’t staff adequately.

14. From samiam871:

I worked for a MAJOR hotel chain in housekeeping for over 10 years. The number of suicides and people who die naturally in their rooms is a lot higher than you’d think.

I worked at a huge convention hotel with over 1000 rooms and it happened quite often. Unless it was a pretty gnarly mess it would just get cleaned like normal and the next guest had no idea.

15. From Branden798:

I worked at a candy bagging warehouse like the crappy .99 gas station candy where we would even make trail mix by hand. Tons of sweat would drip into the mix because we would be in a 100f-plus room with little ventilation.

Also, my boss was a hunter so a quarter of the warehouse was dedicated to his taxidermy treasure room.

F**king smelt like sh*t in the summer but he was so proud of himself. Also, should add that if the expiration dates were bad we would use nail polish remover to take the date off.

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