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17 doctors share the most memorable thing a patient has said on anesthesia.

17 doctors share the most memorable thing a patient has said on anesthesia.


Going under for a surgery or a procedure is always a very jarring experience. If you think about it too much, you're letting strangers knock you out with drugs (that would be illegal if used recreationally by college students in a field) just so that they can cut your body open and stitch you back up. Pretty trippy!

Luckily for our entertainment, we all say fully insane things when we're high (shout out to all of our videos of us getting our wisdom teeth out!). Doctors and nurses probably see and hear the craziest things of all, though. So, when a recent Reddit user asked, 'Anesthesiologists, what are the best things people have said under the gas?' the internet was ready to deliver the funniest high people moments they've heard.

1. Ha, 'Doc___2020.'

Happened today. Patient has a broken ankle fixed and was coming out of anesthesia when he was being wheeled out. The anesthesiologist accidentally hit the door frame on the way out.

Patient: did you just do surgery on my leg?

Anesthesiologist: yes you had surgery and are waking up from it

Patient: then why are you running into things

2. Amazing, 'janski12.'

Not an anesthesiologist but was a tech. Had a patient wake up violently. When he came to he said, 'sorry, I thought I was a shark.'

3. This is a mood, 'ebimbib.'

I was coming out of general anesthesia after a surgery to repair a broken leg. I woke up in my room with about a dozen very caring, kind friends and relatives who had all come to see that I was ok. I looked around, saw everyone giving shits about me, said, 'Fuck this' (loudly and very clearly), and went right back to sleep. My friends thought it was hilarious. My mom was mortified.

4. Oh my god, 'backgroundagain.'

Not anesthesia, but patient was heavily sedated in ICU, nurse gave an enema, half conscious response: 'honey you know I don't like it that way'.

5. Drugs are powerful, 'creativeandwonderful.'

Not an anesthesiologist, but my husband kept telling the medical staff after his procedure that 'It's okay, my wife's a doctor. She knows what you're talking about.' I'm a lawyer.

6. Perfect, 'autofillmesomething.'

After getting my wisdom teeth removed I looked at my mother-in-law and said, 'How did you get on my rocketship?'

7. Woah, 'Black_Lobster.'

My wife is an anesthesiologist.. when she was in fellowship she had a patient say they saw dicks dripping off the ceiling (ketamine infusion)

8. This is impressive, 'Calliope719.'

My husband went under last year, and once he woke up, by a appearances he was as sober as a church mouse. Walking, asking serious questions of the doctor, apparently no issues are all. He remembered the procedure and described it to me in detail. I figured he just never went completely under.

He was craving Chinese food, and nothing would do except for buffet, so we headed down and loaded up our first load of plates. Evidently, he actually woke up from the anesthesia at the buffet. As far as he remembers, he was put under and woke up in front of a plate of chicken teriyaki on a stick.

9. Gotta have snacks, 'schwenomorph.'

When I woke up from surgery, the doctors asked if I wanted anything to eat.

'You got those crackers that come in packs of six with the cheese?'

No, we don't have those.

'Aw fuck man, that's bullshit.'

We have the peanut butter ones, though.


10. Wow, 'updoots4u'

Two of my fav, both patients coming out of anesthesia:

'Am I in hell?' I responded 'no you're not, you're just in recovery.' '...that sounds like something the devil would say. Count backwards from 100 to prove it.'

Or the one who stroked my unshaved arm while I was trying to keep him from pulling at his IV, and muttered 'you'd make such a great carpet.'

11. Truly living his best life, 'swordfishde.'

I’m an anesthesiologist. I was recently taking care of a 17 year old kid and he looks at me and says “dude, I am high as fuck” They almost never remember it afterward.

12. I hope the chandelier dropped, 'willkill612.'

My uncle is one and he said someone started singing phantom of the opera Then immediately started rapping mumbled lines.

13. Oh boy, 'Fabio_The_Unseen.'

I broke my hand tumbling once and had to get surgery. He goes to put the mask on my face and says 'This is oxygen'. I cough as the mask goes on. He pulls the mask away and I said 'I trusted you. You lying fuck.'. That's the last thing I remember.

14. So good, 'thedavecan.'

Nurse anesthetist here. When I was in school i was getting ready to get a lady off to sleep and going through my regular spiel. I had the mask on her face and I said 'nice big breaths' as I pushed propofol. Right before she went out she said ' thanks, I just had them done'.

I looked at my preceptor, we looked at the circulator, and we all burst out laughing. I now say 'slow deep breaths' instead. I love telling that story, that lady made all our days.

15. Yikes, 'AceOfSpades07.'

My dad works with that stuff, funniest thing he’s heard is “hey mr doctor? My ass itches and I’m too high to scratch”.

16. Get those shoes, though! 'nifty_the_niffler.'

Not an anesthesiologist, but when my step dad was going under for a surgery, he was almost out but at a sweet point that the doctor told my mom she could ask him anything and he wouldn’t be able to help but answer truthfully. She asked, “Do you love me?” My step dad replied, “You need to go on and get your little Yoda shoes.” I’m pretty sure Yoda doesn’t even wear shoes...

17. Perfect, 'BikToe.'

When I was about to go out for surgery. They were strapping me down, and told me it was so that I don't fall off the table. My last words were, it's ok, 5 second rule..

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