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Bride 'embarrasses' friends on FB after they complain about her child-free wedding.

Bride 'embarrasses' friends on FB after they complain about her child-free wedding.


Weddings are expensive, and there are a lot of ways they can go 'wrong.'

So it makes sense for people to invite people according to who they think will be respectful of the ceremony and thought poured into the details.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a bride-to-be asked if she was wrong for publicly sharing the reasons her wedding is child-free.

She wrote:

AITA for posting the reasons that I excluded some people from my child-free wedding?

My sister got married last summer. She had a very elegant and beautiful wedding and reception planned. It was child-free.

She sent gracious notes to everyone who sent their regrets and thanked them for understanding her desires for her wedding and respecting them enough to RSVP in the negative.

She also invited them to a party later that summer at her home if they wanted to take pictures with her and her wedding party in their fancy clothes. I thought it was well-handled and classy.

Several people did not understand the meaning of 'child-free' and brought their kids anyways. One screamed through the ceremony and the mom would not leave the chapel because she did not want to cause a fuss.

There were no extra places for them at the reception so their parents had to share their food with them. The worst was the kid that wanted a cupcake off the table the wedding cake was on.

He lost tipped the wedding cake onto the floor. My dad saved it but there was a handprint on the lowest tier and a lot of cupcakes hit the floor. All in all it was four families that brought uninvited children.

My wedding invitations just went out over Christmas. We are getting married in May. I know this is a long time but we have a lot of out-of-town, country, and even continent guests we hope will come.

We did not invite these families to our wedding. We have a Facebook group for the wedding for people to share pictures and memories that we might put in the wedding video.

They found out about the group and posted to my personal page about being excluded and asking why we are not inviting them.

I messaged them privately and asked them to take down their posts and explained that my wedding was smaller and I wasn't having as many guests as my sister. They went public again and b*tched about me excluding them for no good reason.

So I posted the receipts. I posted a video my cousin sent me of the kid crying during the ceremony and the parents doing nothing. The video of the kid freaking out because he had to share trout for supper.

The before and after pictures of the wedding cake table. And I also asked if they knew in advance that they were not supposed to bring their kids to the wedding. Then everyone started piling on. To them.

I guess there was a lot of stuff I missed. Including one of them changing a kid on the table with the guest book because the closest bathroom did not have a baby station.

Now they are all calling me an a**hole for embarrassing them for having children and wanting to be part of family events. I said that they could not understand why rules were in place and that is why they were not invited.

My uncle posted about how embarrassed he was that his daughter was one of these entitled jerks and offered to pay my sister for the cake that got wrecked. He had been unable to attend and hadn't heard about the cake. So AITA?

The a**hole connoisseurs of Reddit quickly shared their thoughts.

b*tch_Pleiades3 wrote:

Can I get an invite to that Facebook group? I'm bored. NTA.

Little-Martha31204 wrote:

NTA. They tried to call you out publicly for making a decision about YOUR wedding, and you just met them where they were. They sound horrible, no wonder you don't want them at your wedding.

hannahsflora wrote:

NTA. They tried to publicly shame you for not inviting them, when they could've just messaged you privately and avoided the embarrassment.

They don't get to try to publicly embarrass someone only to then get upset when it gets turned right back around on them - play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

That they're - in the midst of all of this - STILL trying to justify why they brought their kids despite explicitly being asked not to only underlines even more that you did the right thing.

Though a bit of advice - you may want to consider having some 'bouncers' at the door to your ceremony and reception should they try to crash. Judging from...well, from all of THIS... it seems like that's at least a possibility.

flyin_high_flyin_bi wrote:

NTA. My husband and I wanted a CF wedding, but got guilt-tripped into allowing kids. There were cute moments but overall I wish there'd been no kids.

They screamed during the ceremony (I had to stop my own wedding due to a toddler screaming 'No no no!' while her dad ignored her). They broke the glass table decorations. They smeared chocolate on my husband's vest.

They ran around underfoot. I'm convinced the only reason I didn't lose it was my bridal party made a deal to keep the kids away from me.

It seems like OP is well within her rights to exclude these family friends, and like they might simply be disrespectful about boundaries.

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